DPO - What is a Data Protection Officer and Data Security?

Christian Visti
January 25, 2024
5 min read

What is a DPO?

What is a DPO? This term is an abbreviation of the word, Data Protection Officer. This person or company carries out tasks, such as data security checks, in a company. This includes compliance with the GDPR.

Public authorities and bodies must have a DPO, Data Protection Officer, who carries out these tasks. This DPO must also advise the data controller of the specific body. It is a legal obligation for these authorities and bodies to have a data protection officer appointed, which may also be the case for several companies.

You can read much more about GDPR,, the Personal Data Act, the Data Protection Act and the difference between them in our articles on this page. Where and for how long can a company keep personal data? Who is covered by the GDPR? These are questions that a DPO, Data Protection Officer can help answer.

A Data Protection Officer will often act as a liaison between the Data Protection Authority and the data controller in the company. In addition, a company's DPO must be independent and external, and must not receive instructions on the selection of tasks.

How does Meo work with data security?

At Meo we can help you with the secure transfer of information to and from customers, as well as a software system that can act as an administration tool for both: verification, checking and monitoring of current and prospective customers, as well as a tailored risk assessment.

This system, Meo Identity, helps you and your DPO to check and manage data correctly, and this system and automation of data management ensures your compliance with GDPR, avoiding penalties, in the form of fines or similar.

We are ISO 27001 certified, as GDPR and AML compliant, which means we are internationally approved and certified in information security and data handling.

Manage your data securely with a DPO, Data Protection Officer

It is essential to work correctly with data, as there may be major penalties for violations of, among others, GDPR, the General Data Protection Regulation. With an automated system, not only can you free up resources from semi-manual processes, but you also ensure control and reduce risk.

A Data Protection Officer will, by advising on a company's data security, look into the handling and guide employees to the extent that potential knowledge about data security, GDPR and the exchange of data with customers or clients is lacking.

This advisor may therefore also provide guidance or recommend useful applications or IT systems that may be relevant for maintaining data security.

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